Saturday, May 27, 2006

Lydia's Island #3

Taylor's "new" house Part 2

Taylor thinks about going upstairs, but it's too much. He feels overwhelmed. He has only ever lived at his mother's house. What's he supposed to do with his own place? He knows his friend Robbie will have some ideas, and he wishes he didn't have to tell him. But news travels so fast. Taylor won't be able to keep the secret from anyone. He knows Julie will want to move in with him. He doesn't want to live with her. He can't imagine her things, their things, mixed with the things that belonged to his grandparents. He feels a flash of anger at Lydia, then feels guilty. It was nice of her to give him the house. It's probably the most generous graduation present ever. And he is glad to have it, even if it feels like cheating, like skipping grades in school. He loves this house. It has been quiet and lonely for a long time, and he always hated to think of it that way. But he wants to keep it to himself. He doesn't want to have parties here with Robbie. He doesn't want Julie sleeping over. Where would they sleep? He has only ever slept on the couch. He doesn't remember being in his grandparents' room at all, and he's almost afraid of it. He feels suddenly very young, as young as he was when he was last here. He wants his mother. She'll know what to do. He gets up, feeling more settled. He'll go see his mother at work, and ask her for advice.

As he negotiates around the driveway's potholes, he's sorry to leave. The house already feels like his responsibility, if not yet his home.


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